Al Imam Sheikh Ibn Qayyim Al Jauziyyah is Muhammad Ibn Abu Bakr, son of Ayyub, son of Sa'd al-Zar'i, al-Dimashqi. Imam Ibn Qayyim also has a patronyme as Abu Abdullah Shams ad-Din. Ibn Qayyim al-Jauziyyah was known by this name because his father, Abu Bakr, was the Qayyim (supervisor) of a school known by the name, Al-Jauziyyah, in Damascus. Abu Bakr’s children and grandchildren were known as the children of the Qayyim of al-Jauziyyah for generations after that.
Sheikh Ibn Qayyim Al Jauziyyah was born in the lunar month of Safar the year 691 after the Hijrah (AH), in the village of Zur`, which is located in the area of `Horan, a fertile area close to Damascus. Later on, he transferred to Damascus and learned from its scholars.
He was raised in a house of knowledge and virtue and began his education with his father, who died in 723 AH. Ibn al-Qayyim was a sea of all types of knowledge, especially knowledge of the religion and the Arabic Language.
He taught at the school known by, 'as-Sadriyyah', and led the prayer at al-Jauziyyah. Ibn al-Qayyim was also known for being an exalted worshipper of Allah, as he used to spend a good part of the night in Qiyam - voluntary prayer. His prayer was lengthy and full of devotion, while perfecting its Ruku' and Sujud. His conduct was exemplary and he was known for having a pure heart.
He repented often to Allah (SWT) and invoked Him for forgiveness, prompting one of his students, Imam ibn Kathir, to state, "I do not know of anyone who is a more active worshipper than he is" When he performed Hajj, the people of Makkah were astonished at the tremendous devotion in which ibn al-Qayyim performed acts of worship and rituals of Hajj, such as Tawaf (circumambulating) the Ka'bah in Makkah.
Among ibn al-Qayyim's best qualities was that he dedicated his life, from the time he met his Shaikh, Shaikh al-Islam, ibn Taimiyyah, until the end defending the Sunnah against all innovations in the religion, with regards to the creed and practical aspects. He called to implementing the Sunnah and discarding Taqlid, which pertains to imitating the statements and opinions of people without relying on evidence contained in the Qur’an and Sunnah.
He dedicated his efforts to invalidating and exposing the deviant practices and creeds of the misguided Sufi sects, which rely on innovation as their tool of destruction against Islam.