Australian Muslim Scholar, Sheikh Burhan Mehtar, has stated that Islam and Muslim cultural life in Indonesia is worthy to be made as an example to the world. The reason, Islam has become a valuable resource for the lives of many Muslims in this country. They are known for friendly, simple, full of love and try to practice the love of the Quran and Sunnah through the activities of everyday life.
"I think people (Muslim) in Indonesia is indeed as we read and hear. Islam spread here with kindness, love, simplicity, and hopefully could be spread in the world as a model," he told the Republika after delivering a lecture at Masjid Baitul Ihsan Bank Indonesia.
Sheikh Burhan Mehtar said, from several visits to various regions within a few days, the Muslim community in Indonesia is considered good enough in applying the teachings of Islam in daily life. This was indicated by the number of Muslims in some areas try to meet the mosque to perform Shubuh prayer.
"When I was in Medan, I come to the mosques, masha Allah, 500-1000 people attending Shubuh prayer. They were also diligent in reading the Al Qur'an. There is so much love and passion to understand the Al Qur'an," he said.
According to Sheikh Burhan Mehtar, the community in Australia and the world need to frequently travel to Indonesia. It is important to know more about Islam and the beauty of Muslims personality in this country. "So, this visit will be one of the hundreds of Da'wah visit to Indonesia," he said.
Similiar opinion expressed by Ulema from Medina, Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Muhammad Saad Nomani. According to him, quite a lot of Indonesian people who try to practice the teachings of Islam and love of the Qur'an and Sunnah. Sheikh Muhammad Saad Nomani expression based on observations from visits to several regions in Indonesia.
"We've seen a lot of Islamic community here who love the Al Qur'an. This is a particularly great state as the country with the largest Muslim population in the world," said the scholar who is a descendant of Imam Abu Hanifah.